tests / clang

Created 4 years ago
Maintained by tstellar
Tests for clang
Konrad Kleine committed 13 days ago

clang tests

This repository contains tests for clang.


Tests are executed using TMT (Test Management Tool). The repository includes a TMT plan that runs all the tests by default. All the tests support the following context dimensions:

  • distro
  • arch
  • collection (only applicable to RHEL 7)

To run the tests:

# Run in the default virtual environment
tmt -c distro=<distro> -c arch=<arch> run -avv

# Run on a scheduled system
tmt -c distro=<distro> -c arch=<arch> run -avv provision -h connect -g <ip_or_hostname>

# Run specific tests
tmt -c distro=<distro> -c arch=<arch> run -avv provision -h connect -g <ip_or_hostname> test -n <regex>

Adding New Tests

Please consider the following when adding new tests:

  • Test scripts must be named runtest.sh. If a different test is needed, you need to overwrite the test: key in the test main.fmf.
  • Tests must be placed under tests/<test_name>. Additionally they can be placed into subdirectories if grouping make sense. E.g. tests/regression/<test_name>.
  • This repository has a common configuration under tests/main.fmf, inherited by all tests. When adding new ones, be careful not to overwrite existing keys from the inherited tests/main.fmf.
  • When setting FMF metadata keys, do merge values instead overwriting them. E.g. use require+: instead require:. For advanced use and more examples check FMF documentation.

After creating the new test, consider running tmt <context> tests show <test-name> to review that the resulting metadata such as requires, enable or test keys are as expected. For example:

$ tmt -c distro=fedora-38 tests show ucrt64-toolchain
                 summary Test that ucrt64 toolchain is detected
                 contact Jesus Checa Hidalgo <jcheca@redhat.com>
               component 'llvm-toolset' and 'clang'
                    test ./runtest.sh
                    path /tests/ucrt64-toolchain
               framework shell
                  manual false
                     tty false
                 require 'ucrt64-gcc-c++' and 'clang'
                duration 5m
                 enabled true
                  result respect

$ tmt -c distro=rhel-9.3 tests show ucrt64-toolchain
                 summary Test that ucrt64 toolchain is detected
                 contact Jesus Checa Hidalgo <jcheca@redhat.com>
               component 'llvm-toolset' and 'clang'
                    test ./runtest.sh
                    path /tests/ucrt64-toolchain
               framework shell
                  manual false
                     tty false
                 require 'ucrt64-gcc-c++' and 'clang'
                duration 5m
                 enabled false
                  result respect


Use the following templates when creating new tests.

FMF template. Uncomment needed fields, remove the rest.

summary: Descriptive summary for the test
# Maximum duration for the test
duration: 2m
# Short tests should be tier <= 1 so they're used for gating.
tier: 1
# Add an additional contact(s) if applicable
# contact+:
#   - Somebody <somebody@redhat.com>
# Additional requires
# require+:
#   - rpm-build
# Adjustments based on context dimensions
# adjust+:
#   - when: collection is defined
#     enabled: false
#     because: Test not supported in collections
# link+:
#   - verifies: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/...
# tag+:
#   - sometag

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